Sunday, July 1, 2007

Some things I never thought I would say...

Do you ever catch yourself saying things that as you think about what you are saying, you are a little incredulous? I have had many such moments in the short time that I have been here.
Here are few:

1. How many wives does your father have?
2. How long do you think we will have power?
3. Wow the internet was quick today (I only had to play two games of solitaire, take a 20 minute nap, study swahili, and do a sudoku to send one email)
4. It only took one bucket full of water to flush the toilet this time.
5. Oh yeah!, Hot water!
6. Oh yeah!, I get to sleep in the same place for three nights in a row!
7. Will my feet ever be clean again?
8. So you mean I shouldn't be concerned that we are passing a car and another car is coming at us at 65mph?
9. I like the style of this mosquito net.
10. And, last but not least, I will never settle for less than 200 cows and one bull (for a marriage proposal that is).

I know I have forgotten some and that there will be many more moments like this, so be sure to stay tuned to catch next week's edition of Meagan's top ten!


Vicky Dracos said...

Thanks for the laugh! You're too funny, but I know you're serious, too! ;-)

Unknown said...

OK, you're going to hate me, but I just have to ask if #4 has more to do with the quality of plumbing in the area, or what you're putting into the plumbing? :) Thanks for the laugh, I love cultural experiences!