Friday, July 6, 2007

Spitting for Jesus

As many of you know, most of Tanzania is quite rural. We had to go by another school today before we went to the village of Likamba. Godsave decided to go a way that he had never been before. We had to stop and ask several Masaai if we were going in the right direction. The concept of a road is quite loose here. We got to a point where we were not sure which way to go and there was no one around. We stopped and a big cloud of dust surrounded us and kept on going past us. I thought it was God's way of telling us to keep going forward. We were right. During our little adventure, I learned how the children of Tanzania would decide which way to go. Whenever they would come to a cross in the roads, they would spit in their hands. Then they would take their index finger and hit the saliva. Whichever way the saliva goes is the direction that you should go. The things you learn!

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