Friday, March 2, 2007

Starting Out the Journey

Well, here it is my first ever blog. I think I might be starting early since I don't even leave until June but oh well. Right now I am just starting the process and the preparations; boring stuff like which insurance do I use and where should I blog. =) I think I am still at a point where I feel about a thousand emotions in any one day. I am so excited and can't wait to go. I am in awe that God is giving me this opportunity. Then, I am so sad to be leaving my friends and family and the students that I teach. I think one thing I am learning through this whole process is the power of prayer and how much I need it. I would appreciate your prayers.

The major items that I need prayer for are:
someone to take my dog, who happends to be the cutest dog in the whole world
A roommate for my condo
$27,000 in support
I am trying to learn as much Swahili as I can before I leave
That I will finish the school year well