Friday, June 29, 2007

What a Day!

This has been an emotional day. I spent most of the day in Likamba, the village that I mentioned before. I was able to tell them that the children will now have porridge for the rest of the school year. We have donations to allow for three months and I am trusting by faith that we will have enough for the last month. The response of the head teacher and pastor was something that I will never forget. They love these children so much and pour their lives into them.

When I came home, Samuel, my friend who has AIDS, was already at our house. He was not feeling well. He felt so warm and was not doing well. We took him to a clinic and found out that he has a very serious form of Malaria. His immune system is so weak, so it is more serious for him. He has a 104 degree temperature. PLEASE PRAY! He is such a sweet boy. He is lying on the couch right now. I feel so helpless.

1 comment:

Susan Garcia said...

I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. How awesome to let God use you to show his love to these people. Glad you're blogging, that way we can keep up with your adventures!