Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The choir of heaven

I think that worship in heaven will be lead by the children of Tanzania! They worship with eyes closed, hands raised, and as loud as they can. Unbelievable.

This past Friday I went to a village called Lakamba. Imara Ministry is who I am working with here in Tanzania. Perimeter is involved in Karansi. Imara has five major villages that it is involved with. I do not know how to deal with or respond to what I saw on Friday. This school is three years old. They have a pre-one, standard one and two. The third classroom is not being built even though school started in January. Money for this project has been a major issue. The pre-one (kindergartern) class has been meeting in this small, wood, dingy little shack. Dirt floors with small wood benches. Very little light could get in so it was always dark. The pre-one had to move from there because they found a King Cobra. Now, standard one and two are sharing a classroom. This school is in a somewhat isolated area. The children walk one to two hours to get to school. There are lots of hills around and some of them live on the other side of the hills. They leave so early in the dark to get to school. The teachers have to take two buses and then walk an hour to get to school. (I can't believe I have ever complained about my commute of fifteen minutes). These are all children that ensnared by poverty. This education offers them a way out. They used to feed them porridge every day. The porridge is packed full of nutrients and protein. They have now run out of money for that.

You would never know any of that from them. When you go to their class, they are eagerly learning with big, bright smiles on their face. They are so thankful to God for all of their blessings. When I watch them worship, I don't know how to do anything other than cry. They raise their hands, close their eyes tight, and sing as loud as they can. They worship God with all that they have and all that they are. They sing about how good God is and are so thankful for how much He loves them.

I do not know respond to this. I am ready to cash in my Roth IRA, but is that the answer. I don't know. I want these kids to have food. I don't know how to make it happen. I don't know what to do. I know that I have so much more than they have and I have never worshipped with that kind of passion and shown that much gratitude for God's goodness.

1 comment:

Kerstin said...

I love reading this....I love your heart.....shoot,I love TANZANIA!!!