Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lost in another world

Arusha has recently hit the big time! That's right, we have a movie theatre! I think the presence of the United Nations and their hunger for entertainment has benefitted the rest of us. Each week it plays one western movie and one Bollywood movie. Very exciting. Of course, the movies are not always quality but beggars cannot be choosers! Last week, we went to see a good movie. It was nice feel good, romantic comedy. After the movie ended and we walked out of the theatre, I realized that I was in Africa. I had gotten so absorbed that I completely forgot. The fact that I live in a developing country had completely left my mind. Then, I felt a little sad. I miss America. I loved my life there. So many times over the past few years, I would stop and be overwhelmed with all the ways that God had blessed me. An amazing job that I loved and felt passionate about that had the best people to work for and work with; a wonderful church where I felt invested in and strong community; quality friends that knew me and loved me, my fantastic family that is way too much fun; and so much more.

I was not running away from life in America. Anything but... The only reason I came is because I know that God called me here. I am exactly where He wants me to be. When the days are long or I feel completely useless or I feel like I have taken ten steps backward, I cling to that truth. God knows what he is doing. He is sovereign. And, what is even more amazing is that He has given me such a love for the people here and I feel so overwhelmed at times with all the ways He has blessed me here. I guess God's blessings are dependent on location, He follows you everywhere!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Meagan,

Aunt Karen here! I am always to taken that you can offer up such a difficult life and make it seem beautiful! Thank you for sharing all that you do. You help remind me that God is everywhere and not just in the bustle of the city and traffic and modern day wonders! It helps me remember to see Him in all the faces of the children I serve. Thank you for being there. You are missed.
Love you!