Friday, January 2, 2009

You know you're NOT in Africa if.....

As many of you know, there have been many moments during my time in Tanzania where I have had to laugh because it is just one of those "only in Africa" moments. Things like seeing a man ride his bike with a cow head on the back or two dozen chickens in a cart on the side of the road. However, as I am enjoying my time here in the states, I can't help but have moments that remind me, I am not in Africa. Since I have attempted a little humor before, I thought I would try again. So here goes.....

You know you're not in Africa if every child you see does not scream with delight and wave enthusiastically whenever you walk by.

You know you're not in Africa if the only sign of wild life is the crazy drivers on I285 during rush hour.

You know you're not in Africa if every road is a smooth road. (I will never take those for granted again).

You know you're not in Africa if you have to precise with your scheduling of visits with friends and can't just stop by tea that lasts all day.

You know you're not in Africa if there is no dancing at church and people stare at you funny if you raise your hands to worship.

You know you're not in Africa if people just flippantly use ziploc bags like they are cheap and easy to get. (Yet one more thing that I will not take for granted again.)

You know you're not in Africa if you have eaten rice today. =) (If you have don't worry, it does not mean that you are going to magically transported there.)

You know you're not in Africa if you blink and you miss the sunset instead of getting to watch unbelievably beauty last for seemingly forever.

You know you're not in Africa if you can go to one place to do all of your grocery shopping.

There are so many other things that show the distinct difference in the way of life. My time in Tanzania has made me appreciate so many things more here in the states. However, it has also showed how much we miss out on.

1 comment:

Jyn and Steve said...


Miss you and HOPE to see you soon! ;)
