Thursday, November 20, 2008

Look at me, Daddy

My poor dad heard that phrase probably more times than most. I can remember being at the pool with my dad and wanting to show him all my new ways of jumping off the side of the pool. I seriously doubt there was as much creativity as I thought there was. I would walk up to the side of the pool, and scream look at me daddy, look at me and then whoosh off I went trying to jump as I high as I possibly could hopefully with a little bit of a twist mid air before I splashed into the water. As soon as I hit the water, I scrambled to the top with a giant grin on my face to see if my dad was watching. When he smiled back at me, I thought I could fly to the moon I was so excited. My whole body was tingling because my dad had seen me and given me his approval. I wanted that rush again, so I quickly swam to the side of the pool and started the process all over again. After 20 or so times, I think my dad's enthusiasm might have started to wane slightly. =) I can't imagine why. I am not sure what it is about children that want so much to have the affirmation and encouragement of others but it definitely transcends cultures, countries, and language.

Last week, I traveled to one of the villages to meet with the teachers and the pastor. I love the teachers. They are wonderful, amazing people that sacrifice so much and work so hard for the children. However, they do not come close to being as cute as those kids. So, I tend to take breaks during meetings to go play with the kids. Who wouldn't? Right?

While I was greeting the 1st grade class, I walked around and looked at their work. I asked how old they were, 5th grade, 6th grade, and they all just giggled. Who is the strange white woman who keeps coming back to our school! I asked about what they were learning and talked for a little while. Then, I walked over to one of the children and looked at his work and commented on how well he did. Actually, I might have just simply smiled and sayed that it was good. The student got that look, that all over tingle from the happiness of approval look. All of the students brought me their exercise books for their chance to have me look at their book and smile and say good job. They would all just look up at me mesmerized with these huge, ginormous smiles on their face like I had just given them a million dollars. They just wanted a little love and approval. Isn't neat to see how we are made by the same God and have the same desire for love ?

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