Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Usual Suspects

As you have learned by now if you have been following along from the beginning, I love movies. I love the stories and they usually make me think, well some of them do. One of my favorites is "Usual Suspects" with Kevin Spacey. It is a great mystery film, you know one of those movies where at the end you are in shock and disbelief. Well, one of the lines from that movie has always struck me. It is, "the smartest thing the devil ever did, was have people doubt that he exists." That is so true. If you talk about the devil, demons, witches, or anything else like that you might get locked up in a loony bin. Nowadays it is even socially acceptable to be a witch or a wicken, to worship nature.
Here, things are quite a bit different. It is not uncommon for their to be a witchdoctor in the villages. Many of our pastors in the projects have had to deal with witchdoctors putting curses on them. One of them buried the head of an animal in the area where the church is. The pastor dug it up and planted a tree!
In other villages, some of the children have been deceived into getting involved. They have been cut, you can see the scars, and their blood has been taken. Some of them have even eaten human flesh and drinken human blood, although that is rare.
What people deal with here is so different, things are overtly evil. I think in the west it is more subtle because we are way too smart to believe in witches and demons. The Bible talks about them but they are not around anymore, right?
All that to say, I have been dealing with things that I never thought I would. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as I process it all and try to figure out fact from fiction. Please pray for insight into how to respond to all of this. Most importantly, pray that I am able to love.

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