Thursday, September 20, 2007

Prayer and washing my clothes

Don't worry, I am not asking you to pray about my clothes. I have not gone that looney yet but I do need prayer. I struggle with asking sometimes because I don't want to seem weak. I struggle so much pride and wanting to appear that I can handle everything. I think often I am afraid that people will look down on me because I cannot handle certain situations or stress. I also struggle with knowing when to say help to other people and when to go to God. Obviously, I should always go to God but when should that follow with other people. The whole concept of depending God is hard for me. I can depend on a chair because I feel it when I sit down.
So, here is the bottom line. I have not been home much lately. I have been out in villages. I absolutley love that. But, laundry still needs to be done, bathrooms cleaned, shopping at the market, going to the bank, and other daily grind items. The living here stuff also usually just takes longer than in America. Would you please pray that I would seek God first? Sometimes when I think about all that I have to do in the next few weeks and months, I get overwhelmed and freak out a bit. My focus is not on the right place or really person. I have so little faith. God has proven himself faithful again and again but still I try to do everything on my own. Please pray that I will find rest in God even in the midst of busyness. Pray that I would see that God alone is sufficient and that He does meet all my needs and that He is good and real and Holy and powerful and gentle and comforting. Pray that I would also find time to wash my clothes =). (Unless my mom can come over and do it for me.... =) )

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