Friday, August 10, 2007

Just my luck

You know those days when nothing seems to go your way and then the opposite extreme of everything coming together with unbelievable ease as though your life is an orchestrated symphony. Is it luck or is it God? I think that I can be quite inconsistent. Sometimes I say one thing, but really believe another. This is what I know for sure God is sovereign and God is control. God is always working in my life. I usually have no idea what He is up to and sometimes I do not even bother to pay attention to what He is doing because I get so self consumed. Yesterday, by the grace of God, I was able to see Him pull so many things together. Yesterday morning I went to Mt. Meru university to interview possible teachers for our schools. I was not sure where to go or how to find the person I was supposed to meet (for the first time). As I got out of my car, he and two others happened to be walking by! After the interviews, we went to the hopsital to see Samuel. I was not sure if he was still in the hospital. When we arrived, we learned that he was about to be released. I was able to give him and his aunt a ride home so they would not have to walk several kilometers and take many buses. As we were waiting, I happened to run into several people in this small hospital in the middle of nowhere. I ran into people from Imara and a teacher from one of the schools whose son needs to have surgery on his arm. My phone died and I could not contact the people I was supposed to meet afterwards. I was so worried that they would be waiting for me. As I pulled up our meeting spot, they pulled in right beside me. I was taking this Australian couple to Mwika, one of the villages. I was not sure how to get there and beginning to get worried that I was going the wrong way. Right when, I got the most scared, a giant sign (which is rare in these parts) appeared telling me which way to go . CRAZY! So many things came together. God was definitely at work but then He always is. I am thankful that I do not have to ask Him to work. Whew!

The second part of the trip was our adventure in trying to get up into the village. We had a torrential downpour last night, or mvua kubwa in Kiswahili, and the roads became MUD! We tried two times to make it up into the village but we were unsuccessful. We sloshed around and swerved, skidded, jumped, and everything else in our driver's valiant effort to get us up this mountain but to no avail. But it worked out better, because we were able to discuss and talk about some big plans in this village and how we can help the community.

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