Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a day!

Do you ever have one of those days that is just plain fun? You know one of those days where you laugh a lot and just really enjoy all that is happening. Monday was one of those days. We are in the midst of a week long training for the head teachers from each of our projects. We brought an expert in from the states who is absolutely fabulous! The training time has been unbelievable, definitely very powerful and impactful. However, my favorite part was when we took them flying. 

Because we are traveling to a different village each day, we do not have the time to spend 6 hours in the car one way with five villages to travel to.  Granted, we had time to travel six hours round trip on rough roads but not six hours one way. So, we needed to fly to that village.  When the teachers arrived on Sunday night, the upcoming flight was the center of the conversations. Everyone wanted to know who had flown before. They were so giddy, like the night before Christmas. One of them even said that she didn't think she could sleep. 

I took a TON of pictures. Flying on a big plane, but flying on a small Cessna that lands on a dirt road/field sort of air strip thing is a pretty exciting way to have your first flight.  So many fun times. One of them said, she thought this was the beginning of a new life for her.

I had attempted to explain our phrase of butterflies in the stomach. During the flight, one of the headteachers commented that he thought he understood about those butterflies but that his were quite big and flying around a lot. 

It was SO much fun! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi my darling friend. It's been pure pleasure reading through your most recent blogs and I feel overwhelmed with sadness that you are no longer in Tanzania a country you loved.I heard from Elizabeth that your mum died and I am truly sorry for this. I send a big big hug to you and wish I could comfort you. Your stories on your blog are wonderful and will make a great book one day. They make me reminisce so much about my beloved Africa too. Those you left behind in TZ will have huge holes in their lives and I am sure the work at Imara will not be the same without you. It must have been a massive wrench and your world turned upside down so soon after returning from the US at Christmas. But God is in control and one day I pray you can return and with your husband! Yeha!! So my sweet I will email you and call you. Keep smiling btw you look great in the photos

lots of love Megan xxx