I am an adult now, and am supposed to be mature and responsible, but not really sure that I have achieved that just yet. Unfortunately, I tend to have a lot of fun getting into trouble. Somehow, even when I am not trying, I seem to get into trouble. I am pretty sure it is a hereditary disease, so technically not my fault. =) I blame my dad completely.
So, there we were in one of the villages, WAY out in the bush. There are some frequent visitors from one of our partnering church in the states that have come to observe and serve at the school. One of the classes we visited was the kindergarten. We actually have two levels, K1 and K2. Since some of the teachers were in training for a couple of days, both classes were together, making a class of sixty 5 and 6 year old, incorrigible students. Also, the classrooms that were due to be finished before the beginning of the year are still not done. Hence, all of the students are jumbled together in the dining hall. Bottom line, the situation was already a little chaotic before I even got there.
It started fine, with no trouble in sight. I was responsible and adult like. After introducing our visitors and singing a few songs with the class, I went over the the side of the room to sit down to allow one of the women to lead the children in some songs and talk with them a little. During the down time in between songs, I began a simple, innocent, little game of "peek-a-boo". As many of you know, the giggles and squeals of delight of children are slightly addictive. If you don't know about this, tickle a child and see their laughter and then you are hooked forever. I think the disease might intensify slightly here in Tanzania. So, needless to say, I continued with the game for a while, expanding on the ways in which to hide and the silly faces that I would show. The more laughter I got, the crazier the actions and the faces. (Like I said, total addict).
Also, I tend to get caught up in my own little world at times and not realize what is going on around me. So, suddenly, I realized that the few students that I began playing with had quickly grown in the whole class of sixty. Every eye was on me, including the eyes of the teachers and our visitors. Oops! It seems that once again, I had gotten a tiny bit carried away. I had distracted two whole classes of students from the task at hand. Once a trouble maker, always a trouble maker. But I couldn't help myself, those kids are just way too cute!!!! If you don't believe me, you should come here and see for yourself. Actually, even if you do believe, you should still come and see for yourself. =)