Sunday, October 28, 2007

Do you see what I see?

Throughout my short stint here so far, there have been mulitple times where I have thought I wish I had my camera. I have even thought having my own reality TV show. I could be on the travel channel... =) Not really but sometimes I have no idea how to properly capture what I am seeing through words. I have thought it would be good to put a camera on the steering wheel and ride around one day.

With so much to say about the everyday life it is hard to know where to start. The transportation is always a bit humourous. We have buses everywhere that are more like minivans which are called daladalas. I have ridden in them a few times and I had no real concept of what it meant for a vehicle to be overcrowded until that time. Just when you think that no more people can fit, five more get on. One time, we were walking to get on one of them and another guy recruiting for his daladala came up. He was leaving sooner so we decided to take that one. Innocent decision. No big deal, right? WRONG! A huge all out fist fight and brawl quickly interrupted between the two recruiters. We learned our lesson on that one. When you are driving, these buses weave in and out of traffic and stop often so you have to learn to pass them. So our two lane road really becomes a three lane or sometimes four lane road.

In addition to daladalas, safari vehicles, and regular trucks and cars, you have a ride array of carts and bicycles. These carts are packed full of everything from sodas, concrete blocks, shoes, rice, tires to people, children, water, and so much more. The men that pull these have arms and legs of steel. I never cease to be amazed at how much they are able to carry. Now onto the bicycles. What they can carry on the back in unbelievable! Most recently I saw a man carrying at least fifty bottles of oil on his back, you see shoes, giant jugs of water, and of course people. You can even catch a bike taxi and pay someone to give you a ride. How fun!

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