However, last Sunday night, I sat next to a man from Malawi at a dinner party to learn more about his work with Opportunity International. (Which is a fantastic organization!) He asked that question: What is the definition of poverty? The common responses of his staff in Malawi and probably most people anywhere would be the lack of money or lack of ability to get the resources needed to survive. Webster dictionary defines it as "the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support." What this man said is that that is not the definition of poverty but rather the result of poverty. In reality, poverty is the lack of knowledge. If people had the knowledge of how to provide for themselves, then poverty can be eradicated.
I had never really thought of it that way. It was really quite interesting to me. And, actually, very encouraging. The ministry that I have the privilege of serving is about educating people and loving them. You want to restore people's dignity and worth as a person, as an image bearer of God. One of the things that I love about the work that I am involved with is that I have seen horrible results of poverty, people living in conditions that shock you to your core, but I feel hope because I know that lives are being transformed and people are coming out of poverty, lives are changing. The education of the children at our schools is impacting not only the children, but their parents, on others in the community. People are dreaming and hoping for a future that many never even knew existed. It's amazing.